

Co-Sleeping at its Finest

Jeff and I both found this picture shared on Facebook yesterday, and both silently giggled to ourselves while we read the different "sleep poistions."  They are so so true for us.  Co-sleeping wasn't really something we thought we'd be doing at this point, especially Jeff, but it's our reality.  Sometimes its super annoying and sometimes its just awesome.  Like waking up to see your little "stalker" staring at you with a big smile just waiting for you to wake up is a great feeling.  Other moments, like the "neck scarf" arent as enjoyable, especially at 4 in the morning.   I have plans in the future to write about our sleep decisions for Wesley, as to why we share our bed with the most squirmmy wiggly kid in the world, but for now, just share a laugh with us if you have experienced any of these positions.  Any favorites?

From  Pretty funny website btw
If you go to they have explanations for all the different positions.  Pretty good site.


  1. Heather and I relate completely. We (or should I say Evangeline) have the first four positions mastered although I don't get the couch...I get the floor.

    1. awe that stinks. we had to upgrade to a king sized bed to avoid that one :)

  2. That's hilarious! Have you really experienced the neck scarf?! I prefer the Booby Trap best!!!!
