

Deck Update: Planter, Stain, and Stairs

Jeff is almost done with the deck! This weekend he finished the new planters, stained the deck, and built stairs.  The only thing left is to create a sandbox on the other end of the deck and he's donezo!

Here's a few pictures of the planter.

it's huge!

Here's Jeff applying the stain.

All done!

Starting to build the stairs.

Here's what it looks like now.  See how much space we've gained?   Let the parties begin!


  1. Love the deck! Looks awesome! When you mentioned the sand box, I thought I would just pass along some information that I just happen to read on Young House Love (although, I'm almost certain you follow their blog too)...but just thought I would pass it along:

    1. Thanks Cristy! I did see that post on YHL but as always thank uou for thinking of me and passing the info along (I actually sent it to Jeff when I saw it, so we are totally on the same page). Cant wait to see pics of your new deck!

  2. this looks amazing ! !!!!! cannot believe you guys !!
